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Tuesday 26 January 2016



OVER 50 million active accounts in the banking sector will be enlisted in the new revenue drive of the Federal Government with the takeoff of the N50 stamp duty on financial transactions.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has already communicated the commencement of the N50 stamp duty deduction on receipt of financial value of N1000 and above from bank accounts to financial institutions.

However, only transfers from personal account to another personal account, both at the same bank or another bank are exempted from the charge.

With the act already in force, there are projections that the total number of direct cash lodgements in various accounts in banks, the transfer of cash arising from Point of Sale, Automated Teller Machines and mobile money transactions, among others, may hit 50 million in volume per day, with an estimated value of about N2.5 billion daily.

The recently concluded phase of the Bank Verification Number (BVN) project had identified 22 million unique identities in bank accounts, which own over 30 million other accounts spread across the banking sector.

According to the CBN, the stamp duties are deductible on deposits into accounts and borne by the receiving accounts. Yet, another reliable source in the banking sector argued that the revenue earnings capacity of the stamp duties – when estimated moderately, given the improved payments system environment of the country, both in public and private sectors of the economy – shows that there will be no fewer than 25 million deductible transactions per day, which will amount to N1.25 billion daily.

While expressing optimism on the potential return of effective taxation, a professor of entrepreneurship and political economy, Pat Utomi, told The Guardian that there would be the need for caution to ensure that the pace of tax expansion does not depress consumption and growth.

“Nigeria,” he said, “has a challenge with no easy answers. For a long time, oil receipts made taxes an irritation to those who govern. The result was that the citizen was disconnected from holding the public official accountable. Costs in government went crazy. As oil revenue declines and taxation is rediscovered, the needful will be challenged in two directions.

“In one direction, from policy makers we must take care in ensuring the pace of tax incidence expansion does not depress consumption and growth. Still, the financing gap needs to be bridged by an optimal level of borrowing and new taxes.”

Utomi continued: “At the same time, deep cost-cutting in a wasteful system needs to be implemented. In the other direction, citizens need to know that a return of dependence on taxation for governing will reduce uncertainty in the budget process. When Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced years ago there were issues raised about it but it has been a useful tax.”

The Managing Director and Chief Economist, Africa Global Research, Standard Chartered Bank, Razia Khan, said the N50 stamp duty enforcement was necessary, given the urgent need to drive higher revenue collection of the country. He said there was no foreseeable “detrimental effect on financial access in the long-term.”

Stakeholders have also commended the move, advising however, that to get the best of the policy, the authorities should strengthen the payment system to ensure that most transactions in the economy are routed through the banking system.

According to the Head of Investment Research at Sterling Capital Limited, Sewa Wusu, the move is legal and now adopted due to the circumstances the country is going through, which have heightened macroeconomic issues.

“This is another fiscal strategy to meet budget spending. Transactions are going on everyday in the financial system and this is the more reason to believe that the Nigerian economy is capable of financing itself. Though some will complain, but for me, this is a fiscal response. The act has been there and this shows that there are other opportunities in the economy. This type of law is also obtainable in other jurisdiction.

“No matter what pains we may feel from this policy, we can take it in good faith, at least as a sacrifice to the nation. N50 is money, but it is not too much to pay,” he said.

On his part, Shehu Mallam Mikail, the National President of Constance Shareholders’ Association of Nigeria, in an electronic mail to The Guardian, said although Nigerians would ordinarily expect a more vibrant tax regime, a flat N50 flat charge on any receipt whatsoever from third-party deposits or transfers would work against the spirit of the apex bank’s banking inclusion policy.

“These charges will not encourage Nigerians to have interest in the banking system any longer because people will prefer to do their transaction on cash basis without going to the bank. Moreover, the cashless policy will no longer be effective leading to low-profit margins for banks.

“Therefore, government is now saying that Nigerians should not imbibe the culture of banking. Low-income farmers and artisans might not bother about using the banking system when it comes to financial transactions. If bankers are no longer getting enough inflow of currency transactions, how can there be a dividend for shareholders of banks?”

Mikail posited that should the stamp duty be implemented the way government wished to go about it, it should have been a flat rate charged on yearly basis.

“I am worried about the interest of Nigerians in the banking system, operators’ drive for customers and returns for shareholders in the sector through enhanced economic activities,” he said.

A civil society activist, Jide Ojo, also agreed that the enforcement of the stamp duty law is a welcome development, but only raised concern about the remittances of the deducted values.

“Will the banks pay these N50 deductions to the coffers of the Federal Government? It should be noted that government is having serious issues getting organisations collecting Value Added Tax on its behalf to remit the five per cent collected to government.

“Transparent and accountable mechanisms must therefore be in place so that the public is duly informed about income from this source and what it is being used for. There should also be adequate sensitisation of the banking public on this law,” he said.

The Executive Director, Corporate Finance, BGL Capital Limited, Femi Ademola, affirmed that the stamp duty has a legal backing by the Stamp Duty Act of 2004, noting that it is just that Nigeria has not been enforcing most of the revenue generating laws and thus, not collecting the necessary revenue.

“Although the amount of N50 per transaction appears to be small, the cumulative total of revenue in a year could be very significant. It is estimated that over 400 million banking transactions through Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Over The Counter (OTC) cash transactions, POS and Internet transfers took place in 2014. Since half of that involves receipts of money, we could infer that a sum of N10 billion could be generated from banking transactions alone this year,” he said.

On the immediate impact of the enforcement, he admitted that it could negatively affect the financial inclusion and cash-less policy of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

“This is because the bulk of banking transactions are below N100,000, according to the CBN. A further analysis could show that the largest proportion of the transactions is between N1,000 and N10,000 to which a charge of N50 per transaction could be significant. This would, therefore, mean that a large population of the people that we are trying to include in the formal financial system may be discouraged from using the banks".

“However, we must understand that tough times require tough measures as the enforcement of the stamp duty is necessary and also legal. Like it has been said at so many forums, managing Nigeria through the current crisis is not the responsibility of the government alone".

“We, the citizens, all have to contribute to our economic survival. Due to the prolonged oil price decline, our economic stability is being threatened. To survive the current crisis will require very painful decisions to be made and implemented and the pain will be felt across board,” he said.

Already, CBN has opened an account with the name “CBN NIPOST Stamp Duty Account No. 3000047517” where banks will offload the total monthly deductions from a designated account operated by respective banks.



According to reports, Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State is set to sanction civil servants who openly supported the opposition All Progressives Congress in the last election.

Indications emerged on Monday, January 25, that the Seriake Dickson-led Bayelsa State government has allegedly compiled the names of 500 workers for punishment for “supporting” the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the last December 5 and January 9 governorship polls in the state.

The government is said to be unhappy that the civil servants worked against Dickson’s re-election and his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in the polls that were marred by widespread violence.

The government’s action is said to be generating tension with the affected civil servants planning to seek redress in court.

Dickson was declared the winner of the election by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) after defeating former Governor Timipre Sylva of the APC and Moses Siasia of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM).

It was gathered that the government set up “a special committee” in each of the eight local government areas to monitor the activities of pro-APC civil servants before and during the elections.

Workers in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) within grade levels eight to 17 are said to be affected by the government’s action.

The order to sanction the “indicted” civil servants was said to have emanated from the committee’s report.

It was learnt that the names of the affected persons were forwarded to the Due Process Bureau, which operates the automated payroll system of the state government, for appropriate action.

The directive reportedly emanated from the Office of the Secretary to the State Government (SSG) through the Office of the Head of Service (HOS) to the Due Process Bureau.

The bureau, headed by Dickson’s Special Adviser on Treasury Matters, Mr. Timi Seipulo, was reportedly asked to implement the order.

It was also gathered that workers in the state’s broadcasting corporation and the sport council were the worst-hit.

A source, who spoke on condition of anonymity noted that there was a deliberate effort by the government to flush out those considered APC members in the civil service.

“Right now, a fresh verification of workers is ongoing for this singular purpose. Most of these workers have not received their salaries since October, last year. While pro-PDP workers are receiving their salaries, those perceived to be APC members are not,” the source said.

One of the affected workers, who did not want to be named for security reasons, said the accountant in his establishment told them their names were missing from the payroll.


Hands holding torn queen and king playing cards

Some people just end relationships without thinking twice or giving it another trial while some make alot of efforts to keep a relationship instead of ending it.
here are some questions you need to ask yourself before you end that relationship;

1. Am i junpming into conclusions?

Molly Barrow, PhD, a clinical psychologist and author of Matchlines for Singles, says that she often sees women who assume their unhappiness is entirely caused by their partner. If you're convinced that your spouse is the problem, and especially if you find yourself repeatedly and testily telling him all the reasons he's standing in the way of your damn joy, then Barrow recommends that you put your thoughts down on paper. "Slow the communication down to a crawl," she says. This does not mean berating your husband or boyfriend for 22 pages. (We can't stop you, of course, but if you do that, rip those suckers up and start again.) The idea is that once you've stepped away from your typical fight, you can acknowledge your part in the stress party happening at your house—stretched finances, pressure at work, feelings of depression, or exhaustion from juggling the needs of your children. The letter serves two purposes: It lets him know what's actually upsetting you and clues you in too.

2. How big is the gap between my partner and me? 

We all know that Prince Charming doesn't exist. We tell ourselves our expectations are realistic. Still, the questions we ask ourselves about our relationships (Is there still passion? Do I find him attractive? How can he figure out how to keep food warm in a subzero parking lot for his after-hockey practice potluck but forget his own child's birthday?) are often too surface to matter, says Barrow. What she means is that the cracks that occur over time because of an unsatisfying sexual relationship, lack of communication or contrasts in personality aren't necessarily irreparable. Unlike obvious deal breakers—long-term goals that are out of whack, an inability for your partner to celebrate your success, substance abuse or unprotected infidelity—many of these issues can be addressed if both parties are willing to work, respect the other's right to disagree and can be a teeny bit flexible.

3. Have I taken a floating holiday...by myself? 

"You absolutely cannot change your partner," says Barrow, "but just like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, if Ginger goes another direction, the dance looks different." What she means is to try something unexpected. For instance, you might get "a little divorced," a phrase Rachel Zucker coined in The New York Times, by escaping from your family/partner for a few days. (Or go for a long walk if this isn't possible.) A time-out, even a short one, will give you an opportunity to think about how you can make changes that will improve life in your world. Reconnecting with friends, limiting your commitments to your kids' school or taking a rock-climbing class at the gym could help you ease some of the tension in you and in your relationship.

4. How big will the ripple effect be? 

We know some married women who fall into a "grass is always greener and full of mojitos" daydream of Life Without Him. Maybe you've envisioned whole weekends when you can decide what to do and when to do it. You may have even thought about the downside of how your day-to-day might change: Paying the bills could become more of a challenge, or getting to the gym for an hour after you've lost your built-in babysitter might not be possible. But have you ruthlessly considered post-spouse life? For one thing, your husband may want to take a more active role in decisions he previously left up to you, like playdates or extracurricular activities involving your children. For another, dating is not like it was when you were 25. If you're in your 30s (and beyond), do you imagine parties filled with a sea of smart, funny, charming fellas? You are not wrong. Except the men at these parties are often married, or encumbered with girlfriends (or boyfriends), or muddling through horrific divorces themselves. Barrow suggests you think about every aspect of the daydream and compare it to what you have: a guy who knows, among other things, how to hot-wire a Crock-Pot to a car dashboard. Okay—that's a little glib, but the point is that it's easy to tell ourselves that we've really thought out this other fantasy life. And it's supereasy to judge the imperfections in the person we've been with for ages. But it's not fair to your spouse (or to you).

You may find that it takes months to answer these questions and to decide whether the relationship is worth saving, not to mention months to actually save it. But trying to salvage the relationship after you've already severed ties, says Barrow, is next to impossible.

Monday 25 January 2016


                      Blackface and 2face Idibia were part of the defunct group, Plantashun Boiz, which also featured Faze.

The Erima singer has earlier accused 2face Idibia of stealing the song 'African Queen' from him, now he has come out with fresh claims, alleging that 2face’s 2014 single ‘Let somebody love you’, is his. The song is featured on 2face’s “Ascension” album, and features international recording act, Bridget Kelly.

He posted a series of tweets saying;

“You singing #LetsomebodyLoveYou without telling me when you know its my song isn't going down"
"@2babaofficial U been avoiding me and hiding behind your mask,recordin my songs witout my consent,takin out my credits to steal my publishin"

He threatens to go legal on the matter.



                     Kanu smiles

For the first time in four months, the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra Nnamdi Kanu on Monday, January 25 appeared in court in a different attire.

While proceedings of his bail application was going on before Justice John Tsoho at the Federal High Court in Abuja on Monday, January 25 Kanu was brought in by officers of the Nigerian Prison and some SSS officials in a blue and yellow native Ankara jumper.

His new attire is different from the sky blue shirt and and Chinos trouser he has always worn since his first arraignment at the Magistrate Court in Wuse, Abuja. The accused person however came in unshaven as usual.

                    Kanu court
Justice Tsoho on Wednesday, January 20 ordered that Kanu be kept in Kuje prison.

Since his arrest in October, 2015 kanu had remained in custody of the State Security Services (SSS).

An action which one of his counsel, Chuks Muoma said has left him incommunicado with his family and lawyers inclusive.

                   Kanu in court
A source within Kanu’s family had before the hearing told Naij.com that since Kanu was moved to the prison facility there have been visitations from his immediate family.

“You will see him today, looking better than the last time, at least he had also eaten good food too,” the source said.

Kanu is being accused of unlawful possession of firearms and assisting in the management of an unlawful society among other charges.




Dr. Furo Green, the Chairman of Rivers State branch of Nigerian Medical Association, NMA, gave this medical advice, while speaking on the Lassa Fever scourge in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State Capital. He said

“Because you are not sure which garri has been infected by rats, its advisable to stay away. When you want to sip garri, you only pour cold water, add sugar and milk as the case may be.
“When you do that you only succeed in gulping a life virus that can cause Lassa fever. The virus is empowered easily to attack you. Rather, garri should be consumed in the traditional way prepare it well boiled hot water or pour the garri in a pot of boiling hot water and steer it.”

Dr. Green also advised members of the public to store food in closed containers to keep rats at bay.

“When you buy foodstuffs like garri, you should pour it into a container that is covered to avoid the garri from being contaminated infected rats”.

Since the outbreak of Lassa fever disease, three people have died in Rivers state, claiming the life of a medical doctor with the state-owned Braithwaite Memorial Specialised Hospital (BMHS), Livy Ijamala, on Wednesday January 13 night.

The medical doctor was said to have contracted the fever from a pregnant woman that conducted an emergency Cesarean Section unknown to him that she was infected.
The death of Ijamala brought to three, the number of persons who have died from the disease in the state, as a nursing mother and her two-week-old baby died earlier from the virus.


boboye oyeyemi on car speed limit

The Federal Government of Nigeria says April 2016 will be the deadline for commercial vehicle owners to install speed limit devices in their vehicles.

According to the Corps Marshal of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Mr Boboye Oyeyemi, there is no going back on the new date, as officials of the corps would impound vehicles of anyone who fails to comply with the directives.

“Speed accounts for greater part of the causes of crashes. We are on course with the stakeholders on this and there is no going back on Mr President’s directive of April 1.

“We have already created a portal and will impound as many vehicles that flaunt this.

“I have enough provision, nationwide, to impound and prosecute them,” he said.

Mr Oyeyemi also asked State Governments to set up traffic management agencies to help manage traffic in the states.

“We have a portal that we can use to verify whether the calibration has been done or installed and we have to sustain this.

“We need to bring down the level of crisis in the country.

“It is too worrisome to me and the only way is to compel all the commercial vehicles to install the speed limiting device or the alternative for the big trucks to calibrate them.

He said that the FRSC had started a consultation with stakeholders to arrive at better means of checking car crashes on Nigerian roads.

“We have worked in 2015 and we believe that for 2016, our focus is on improve fleet operations and sustainable stakeholder consultation, collaboration with states on improved road safety administration and improve enforcement and public education.

“We believe we are going to do well on the improvement of fleet operation and sustainable stakeholder consultation.

“We are going to encourage the states through the collaboration to set up the state management agencies. We already have about 12 states that have that.

“It’s one of the policies of the corps to encourage the states to set up the state traffic management agencies,” he explained.

According to him, the establishment of the traffic management agencies would enable the FRSC pull out from urban areas and focus more on the highways.


Friday 22 January 2016


LAGOS—police in Lagos State have arrested a 37-year-old man for allegedly raping a mentally-challenged girl (names withheld).

It was learned that the suspect, Adesola Moses, who resides at Osenatuilo Street, Alagbado by AIT Road, reportedly raped the victim in her mother’s shop.

Vanguard gathered that the suspect took advantage of the victim’s mental health and had anal sex with her.

According to a family member who spoke to Vanguard, the victim’s mother, Muiynant Mustapha, left her 19-year-old daughter in her shop to attend a party, when the suspect sneaked into the shop, asked the girl to remove her clothes and raped her.

The relative said: “While the act was ongoing, a 10-year-old girl, Tunrayo, daughter of the landlord, who usually plays with the victim, saw them and ran out to alert people. By the time people got to the shop, the suspect had escaped.”

It was learned that in a bid to identify the suspect, the elders in the community gathered 12 young men in the area and Tunrayo was able to identify the suspect, who had changed his clothes to avoid recognition.

The case, which was initially reported at Alagbado, is currently being investigated at State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department, SCIID, Panti, Lagos.



The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) on Thursday arraigned former Ahmed Yerima in Gusau High Court for alleged misappropriation of over N1 billion while he served as governor in 2006.

The former governor of Zamfara, who amputated the wrist of a thief for stealing a goat, is standing trial on a 19-count charge bordering on misappropriation of the fund.

Counsel to the ICPC, Mr Mashkur Salisu said the money was a bank loan meant for the repair of collapsed Gusau Dam and payment of compensation to victims affected by the incident.

Salisu alleged that Yerima diverted the money to other purposes.

The offence, he said, is contrary to and punishable under section 25 (1) (a) of the Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act 2000.

Also charged with Yerima was one Alhaji Hashim Dikko, and two companies, Development Management Ltd. and HAD Nig Ltd.

They were accused of misapplication and overshooting of contract sum for the supply of assorted grains to the Federal Government, amounting to hundreds of millions of naira.

All the accused persons pleaded not guilty.

Mr Mahmoud Abubakar, who led eight other lawyers to appear for the accused persons, pleaded with the court to grant them bail on self recognition, with an assurance that they would not jump bail.

Justice Bello Shinkafi granted bail to each of the accused persons in the sum of N100 million and two sureties in like sum.

Shinkafi ruled that the sureties must own landed property worth N150 million, while one of them must be resident in Gusau and adjourned the case to Feb. 29 and March 1, for hearing.

Speaking to newsmen after the court session, Yerima alleged that the case was instituted against him by his “political enemies’’, adding: “we will use politics to fight back.’’

Source; Africanspotlight


Celine and Rene Angelil

Hundreds lined up for hours in frigid weather outside a Montreal church Thursday to pay their respects to Rene Angelil, the husband and longtime manager of Canadian singer Celine Dion who died last week.

Celine and Rene Angelil
Celine and Rene Angelil
Angelil’s funeral is scheduled for Friday at the Notre-Dame Basilica, where the couple were wed in 1994.

Dressed in a black veil and gown, her hair in a bun, with her eldest son Rene-Charles at her side, Dion received condolences from relatives, senior politicians and others, as fans filed past Angelil’s open coffin.

Outside the church, a giant portrait of Angelil greeted mourners.

A number of celebrities are expected to attend the funeral for the man credited with transforming Dion into an international superstar.

Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard ordered provincial flags lowered to half mast and offered a national funeral for the show business impresario, an honor reserved for Quebecers who have made a significant contribution to the arts.

Rene Angelil died of cancer at the couple’s home in Las Vegas on January 14. He was 73.



Ice Prince Maima

According to NaijaJistLive, Maima was not just Akin's girl but a runs girl that gets him girls. Read on.

Dear Ice Prince Zamani,

I need to clarify a few things because u seem a but confused about dis whole mess. D original story on Maima is something I CREATED FROM A TIP. A female messaged me from her REAL account. She is close to Akin & Maima. She thought it was wrong Maima was cheating on u so she told me about dere trip together in Paris/London. When I now landed dere pages, ma detective eye saw d matching dates & backgrounds to create d pic frames dat r circling all d blogs.

Someone copied my work & sent it to Stella, & others followed which is how d truth got lost in translation.

AKIN NEVER WANTED TO BE EXPOSED. It is not him dat is trying to claim her or chase her publicly. He is a married man, no married man wants to disgrace his family. Why else would he lock his page and change his name? Obviously he’s embarrassed by being caught.

I know Maima fed u some bullshit about her in law being dere, Will Collins. But what u need to understand is Maima & Akin have been seeing for a long time. He knows all of her friends and family. He is her only sponsor, he has taken Bebe & her son & Maima on trips to Miami, he paid for her maintenance, bought her a car & she is always msging him for money & asking when she will see him so she can flaunt she is a world traveller on Akin’s dime. He took her to Dubai which is where she got her chest piercings. U can confirm all dis with Maima but am sure she is still lying as females do when caught.

When u started tweeting against him, he added a photo of Maima & Will to prove it’s a family relation. He even added Charles Nkewa office to try to PROTECT MAIMA not disgrace her. But no one saw dat but me.

U may not want to hear dis but I was told years ago, Akin went to Ghana & uses dis woman to introduce him to other women, Maima was one of d girls Akin picked. (And am being courteous of ur feelings with dis story) BUT U NEED TO FACE FACTS. DON’T BE NAIVE. She is one of many lazy woman dat does not want to work but live off Akin & ur fame. Stop making her popular for d next man. Keep ur relationships off social media.

I know love is blind, but u r embarrassing ur self not seeing what is clearly infront of u. Stop siding with Maima, make her admit d truth & stop making Akin d villian. How dare u anyway? He is d reason u even found her attractive because d guy has fixed & upgraded her from d ground up like a true constructionist.

I know a lot of copy & paste bloggers have been stealing my work but don’t have the facts straight.

D way u r trying to drag this man is so wrong.

Maima needs to be a woman & grow up. She needs to admit to u dat she has previously & recently went to see Akin.
I know u r a God fearing person, don’t get caught up in woman’s lies to disgrace another human being & make him out to be the bad guy!

You need to tweet & apologize to Akin. Let it be something like “I want to apologize to Akin, I KNOW now he did not expose or try to claim Maima, some new info is brought to light, I know the truth now & I am working through it.” People will respect you more, your fans will appreciate you & d people dat know d truth about Akin will not make you out to be a fool.



The record deal which was executed by Nigerian raised, American Music Executive Efe Ogbeni (Grace, Red One) who is also partners with Nicki Minaj on Parker Ighile‘s project, and facilitated by Davido’s manager Kamal Ajoboye, is the BIG reason why Davido’s sophomore album, The B.A.D.D.E.S.T was pushed back in 2015.

The deal was signed atSony Music headquaters in New York. This deal will provide Davido a huge machine in Sony Music which will help him create, distribute and market his music at a world class level.  Present at the signing were Davido, Adewale Adeleke, Efe Ogbeni, Kamal Ajiboye, Joel Katz (Number-One-ranked entertainment attorney) and Adam Granite (VP of Sony Music International)

According to his team, he is the first African Artist to be signed by Sony Music Global.
Congrats Davido! Hardwork truly pays!


doyin fagbenro

This is rather too touching, anyone reading this story will surely be moved to tears as i was when i first saw this, she is too beautiful and too young to die but like they say, death is inevitable, we can only pray to be at peace with God when it comes, so we can live that life after death where there shall be no more pain and sorrow.

This is the story of Doyin Sarah Fagbenro, a beautiful 25 year old Nigerian girl who recently completed her first and second degrees in Law in the UK and relocated back to Nigeria after spending most of her life there.

Doyin lost her life in a fatal accident along Lekki-Epe expressway in Lagos which was caused by a reckless danfo driver.

Her cousin, Ken Davidson, took to his Facebook page to pay her a heartfelt tribute. It’s such a sad story.


He wrote: “Tribute To A Shining Starlet. Oh death! Where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? Another Casualty of a broken and failed State. Your story is particularly Gut Wrenching as it is equally heartbreaking.You spent near enough all but two of your 25 years on earth in the Country of your Birth, the United Kingdom where your Parents and entire family reside. You were born, bred and educated in the United Kingdom. But two years ago, immediately after you graduated, you elected to visit Nigeria where your Grandparents reside – both of whom are in their Mid Eighties.

You signed up for the National Youth Service having freshly graduated with a sterling First Degree in Law and a Post Grad immediately afterwards. You were headhunted by an Energy Firm before you completed your NYSC and a presto you gallantly announced to your Nervous Parents – Dad a Diplomat with the United Nations based in Italy and Mum a Pharmacist based in the United Kingdom, your country of Birth – that you were going to permanently relocate and make Nigeria your permanent abode. Your Grandparents were ecstatic, you being their most favourite Grand Daughter.You were a straight A student right from when you passed your GCSEs through to when you excelled in your A’levels…so much so that Prestigious Queen Mary’s London University snapped you to study Law. You missed a First by whisker’s. Nevertheless you made your mark all the way through. Then it all came crashing down.
What was supposed to be a routine journey to Church on a relatively sombre, otherwise uneventful Sunday morning on the Lekki/Ajah Expressway around the Lekki Phase 1 approach turned into a living and eternal nightmare for those of us left struggling to pick up the pieces. Our lives changed forever, never to be the same again.


A victim of the reckless and probably high on drinks/drugs ‘Danfo’ Driver. The most galling of the entire episode was the fact that the driver of that Danfo survived unscathed, RAN away from the scene leaving a trail of Death and Destruction in his wake. Four people died at the scene. Your New Toyota Corolla was a crumpled wreck. But the Fighter that you were, despite massive injuries, you fought and fought and fought.

Your Dad, via his status at the United Nations, got you into Lagoon Hospital where you were for a few days. When it became clear that the extent of your injuries was too severe for the local facilities here in Nigeria, An Air Ambulance was scrambled from the United Kingdom to get you much needed Specialist Care in the United Kingdom. Your tireless mum who flew in from the United Kingdom, barely 48 hours after the accident, accompanied you in the Air Ambulance. Still we Prayed and Prayed and Hoped for the Best.

Sadly We lost you a day after you arrived in the United Kingdom. The Surgeons tried desperately. You fought desperately to hang on. But in the end, it was not to be. The pain is palpably raw as it is numbling. We asked again and again, Why you? Why You? If only you had stayed on in the country of your Birth, If only…so many questions but very few answers. Your Parents, Your Grandparents, Oh! Your Grandma, with whom you celebrated her 80th Birthday over here in Nigeria a few years ago has refused to eat since she was informed of your passing nearly a week ago…All she repeatedly does is wail, wail to space “God Take Me instead, Give My Granddaughter back to Nigeria. Nigeria Needs Her, Her Parents Need her. God Take me. God Take Me.”.

These are indeed extremely perilous times. And so it was that having just spent barely a few weeks in Nigeria after a prolonged Winter holiday and Christmas in the United Kingdom with family and friends, I now find myself in the rather unenviable position of scrambling for the next flight out back to the United Kingdom just so that I can attend your Funeral this weekend. Someone retorted to me “Oh, you know, ‘our tradition’ forbids older relatives attending and being present at funerals where the deceased is much younger than us…” I snapped back, which tradition? And what has tradition ever done for us? What did Tradition ever give to HER?

I am here like a Zombie, mechanically and circuitously packing a few items for my flight out in the morning. The Family has decided that yours would be a Celebratory Sending Forth, so RED rather than the traditional Grey, Black would be the colour to be worn on the Day. DSF as you were very fondly called, you touched so many lives in the quarter century, (twenty five years only!) you ran your race on earth.

You were considerate to the end so much so that you waited until you got back home – nearer your parents and many siblings – before you finally bade the World Farewell. Doyin Sarah Fagbenro, My Learned Friend in the Profession, My lil Sister, My Cousin, Sleep Well till we meet again. O Death! Where is Thy Sting!”

(Doyin Sarah Fagbenro, 1990 – 2016)

Thursday 21 January 2016


So this gist has been trending on social media and i am the last to know? hmmmmm, had to visit barbie's page to confirm its authenticity.

Anyways, the girlfriend in question here goes by the name barbie-davina on instagram, she posted photos of her supposed boo (Married man) and tagged it 'Chilling wit bae'.

This obviously did not sit well with the supposed bae and he has been begging her for 2 weeks to take down the photos.

On this particular photo on Instagram, barbie has over 2,000 comments, some followers are giving her thumbs up for what she did and some are lambasting her.

The married man goes by the name sampala207 on Instagram and he is the one having the worse of the mess as barbie-davina seems to be having fun.

See more photos and comments below;


She even posted a picture of him and his daughter;



Sonia Morales4

Sonia who turned 25 on Tuesday 19th January took to Instagram to express her Joy over the gifts her actor husband IK Ogbonna bought for her.


Hours later, an associate of musician/entrepreneur Dencia, made a series of posts on their Instagram page @rodeodrng, letting Sonia know that all she got as gifts are allegedly fake.

See pic below as seen on Instagram;


Well, it was her day, no need ruining it for her. Like i will always say, keep your life off social media...atleast the largest part of it.



This comes barely 48 hours after Metuh was granted N400million bail over a seven-count charge of corruption by the Federal High Court, Abuja.

The accused politician who was brought to the FCT High Court this morning, January 21, was said to be in handcuffs just like on Tuesday, but they were later removed as he waited to be taken before a judge.

Premium Times reports that the EFCC slammed a fresh two-count charge on him over an alleged attempt to destroy a confessional statement made to its operatives.

metuh faces fresh charges

Count one of the charge contains the allegation of destruction of a statement he had given at the commission, to prevent it from being produced, while count two of the charge revolves around allegations of mischief, all punishable under section 327 of the Penal Code Act.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The chief judge of the FCT High Court, Justice Bello, noted that the case should not have been brought before him if it was already ongoing at a Federal High Court, but counsel to the EFCC, Sylvanus Tahir, explained that the new charges, filed on January 18, were not the same as those currently being heard at the Federal High Court.

Bello said the EFCC must produce three witnesses during the next sitting without fail and the matter was adjourned till January 25 for hearing of an application for bail.

metuh faces fresh charges

Metuh was returned to Kuje Prison.

He has been in detention since Tuesday, January 5. He had been accused of tearing up his confessional statement and there were reports that he would be charged separately for attempting to destroy major evidence in the case against him.

He was recently granted bail, though it is unclear whether he has so far met his bail conditions.

In the original case against Metuh he is facing a seven-count charge of money laundering and corruption.

He is accused of receiving N400 million from the former national security adviser, Sambo Dasuki, which is part of the $2.1 billion meant for the purchase of arms.

While Metuh has not denied receiving the money, he has however refused to make available to the EFCC details of jobs he did for the former president.



Rapper Reminisce confirms new signee of Egde Records 'Ola Dips' and welcomes him to the family.
The Igbeyawo crooner also whose real name is Ibrahim announced on Instagram with the picture below saying:

Welcome to the family Oladips @ola_dips. #LRR #EGDE. #KingDips

 Ola-Dips (1)

Ola Dips reposted the photo on his Instagram page and captioned it with:

“THANK GOD! We Made It Yall! Adura Iya Bode Tigba… From The Streets Of AGBADO OPE ILU,ABORO To #LRR #EDGE #Repost @iamreminisce with @repostapp.”


FG Suspends IT Agency Boss Over Employment Scam

The Minister of Communications and Technology, Mr. Adebayo Shittu, yesterday suspended the Director-General of the National Information Technology Development Agency, NITDA, Mr. Peter jack, over allegations of illegal employments and procurement.

Shittu, through his Special Assistant on Media, Mr. Victor Oluwadamilare, said the suspension became imperative on the strength of deluge of petitions regarding several alleged wrong doings in NITDA and subsequent preliminary findings of an Investigative Committee set up by the Ministry.

According to Shittu, “Some of the infractions identified by the investigative committee made up of three senior ministry officials include unauthorized and illegal recruitment of additional staff totaling 245 within a spate of seven months.”

The allegationa were said to have contravened laid down rules and procedure in the civil service administration in Nigeria.

Mr Jack was subsequently replaced with the Director of Corporate Strategy and Research in the agency, Dr. Vincent Olatunji, in acting capacity.


Wednesday 20 January 2016



The Federal High Court in Abuja has ordered that Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) be remanded in prison.

The Federal High Court also struck out six charges of treasonable felony brought against Kanu by the Department of State Services (DSS).

Kanu was arraigned in court today, January 20, 2016, on treason charges and other offences resulting from his agitation for the secession of a republic of Biafra from Nigeria.

Chuks Muoma (SAN), counsel to Kanu, in his argument said that his client should be detained in prison custody rather than by the DSS.

He argued that since his incarceration, his client has been kept incommunicado for three months within the confines of the DSS facility.

He further asked the court to send the accused to prison so that his family could visit him.

But, Mohammed Diri, counsel to the DSS in his objection said the accused should remain in DSS custody for security reasons.

READ ALSO: Brother: Nnamdi Kanu Has Only One Lawyer

Diri also asked the court strike out the charges that were filed against Kanu on Friday, December 18.

“We filed the first set of charges on December 18, and the second set of charges on December 23. The prosecution intend to withdraw the charges filed on December 18 and proceed with the charges filed on December 23,” Diri said.

After listening to both counsels, Justice John Tsoho ordered Kanu to be remanded in the custody of the Nigeria Prison Service, Kuje, pending his trial for treason.

“Having considered all submissions and application before the court and relying on the constitution, an accused person should be remanded in prison custody,” he said.



 Traders on the rail tracks at Oshodi, dislodged in 2008 by former Gov. Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State, have started returning to the sport unmolested.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the traders had in the meantime limited the display of their goods on the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) disused second track, abandoned since 2009.

A Correspondent of NAN who visited the area on Wednesday reports that when Fashola, now the Minister of Power, Housing and Works, dislodged the traders, the two tracks were functional.

But the traders then defiantly displayed their goods on the two tracks.
Kiosks of different sizes were then placed on and along the two tracks by the traders to display their wares.

The traders hurriedly moved their goods away for an approaching train only to return after the train had gone.

Reports have it that the traders were dislodged because Oshodi, especially along the rail tracks, was known to be the dirtiest and an abode for criminals in Lagos State.

Before the dislodgement, their activities not only disrupted the movement of the train due to the congestion, but also prevented easy movement of passengers when alighting or joining the train at the station.

The traders always pushed the passengers away not to step on their goods, leaving many of them unable to drop or join the train at the station.

Often times, the situation led to quarrel between the passengers and the traders, but the traders always boasted that they paid for their space on the tracks.

NAN reports that the situation was now gradually returning with the traders staging a comeback.

One of the traders along the tracks, who spoke anonymously, told NAN that they settled some people to sell their goods along the disused track.

The trader who also declined to mention those that were settled, however, added that some miscreants, who called themselves “Omo-Onile’’ (land owners), were among those settled.

When contacted, some of the NRC officials at the station declined comment but directed NAN to their headquarters at Ebute Meta, Lagos.

Meanwhile, the Lagos State Government has started erecting metal fence to protect the rail tracks from Ilupeju to Ikeja to check the activities of the traders and miscreants.

The NRC Managing Director, Mr Adeseyi Sijwuade, told NAN on Wednesday that the corporation had met with the Lagos State Government which promised to execute the project. (NAN)



FG imposes N50 stamp duty on bank customers

The Federal Government through the Central Bank of Nigeria, on Tuesday, imposed stamp duty of N50 on bank customers for money received into their accounts.

Consequently, bank customers will henceforth pay N50 stamp duty for money received into their accounts via electronic transfer, cash and cheques.

This order was contained in a circular to all Deposit Money Banks and Other Financial institutions titled, Collection and Remittance of statutory charges on receipts of Nigeria Postal Service under the Stamp Duties Act”.

The CBN stated, “As part of efforts to boost its revenue base, the federal government of Nigeria is exploring revenue opportunities in the non-oil sectors especially taxes and rates. It is in recognition of this fact that banks and other financial institutions are enjoined to support government’s revenue drive through compliance with the provisions of the Stamp Duties Act, LFN 2004 as reinforced by the court judgement in Suit No FHC/L/CS/1710/2013. In this regard, the CBN pursuant to the provisions of its enabling laws, hereby issues this circular to all DMBs other financial institutions:

“With immediate effect, all DMBs and other financial institutions shall commence the charging of N50 per eligible transaction in accordance with the provisions of the Stamp Duties Act and Federal Government Financial Regulations 2009, that is, all receipts given by any bank or other financial institution in acknowledgment of services rendered in respect of electronic transfer and teller deposits from N1, 000 and above;

“For all avoidance of doubt the following receipts are however exempted from imposition of stamp duties: payments of deposits or transfer by self to self whether inter or intra bank; and any form of withdrawals/transfers from saving accounts;
It should be noted that these charges are only payable by receiving accounts;

“Each DMB shall open an account designated as NIPOST Stamp Duties Account into which all charges collected shall be paid. The balances in such accounts shall be transferred monthly by the DMBs to CBN NIPOST Stamp Duty Collection Account No. 3000047517;

“Other financial institutions shall remit their Stamp Duty collections to any DMB of their choice.”




It will be recalled that sometime in June 2015,  Solidstar took a picture of his eggplant and placed it on the Internet asking if anyone saw anything.

 See below:

Below is the latest picture he shared on Instagram recently and fans have alot to say to him.



Peter took to his Instagram to share with his fans that he fulfilled his promise to present them with their automobiles.

He shared the photo via his Instagram page with the caption:

'So on the grand finale of @dancewithpeter @callistusfly (C-FLY) was my most valuable Dancer male (MVD) and @amazing_amenze (AMAZING AMIE) was MVD female and I promised to buy them a KIA RIO each 🚘🚘+N250k cash and I still gave the last 5 evicted contestants N500k each. And I want to let y’all Knw that I fulfilled that promise. I know most of you will start wondering why it was never seen during the broadcast. Pls a big congratulations to dis two Amazing individuals who will always remain reference to DWP. I remain loyal and humble cos am the Koolest Dude #KoolestDude 🙏🏽'

