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Friday 18 December 2015


Ari Wibowo
16-year-old boy suffers from skin condition that can turn him into a statue, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.

His name is Ari Wibowo, 16 years old from  Indonesia, he sheds his skin every 41 days since he was born. He must soak his body in water every hour, night and day and smear himself with lotion every three hours t prevent drying out.

His condition can be described as scaly like a snake about to shed its skin. If Ari does not moisturise or soak his skin in water, his body would shrivel and harden up like a sculpture and he wont be able to move. If he leaves it unattended for too long, he wont be able to speak because the wrinkles inside his mouth would go hard and it would dry out all the blood in his body.

Ari Wibowo
16-year-old boy suffers from skin condition that can turn him into a statue, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.

Ari Wibowo
16-year-old boy suffers from skin condition that can turn him into a statue, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.

Ari's family were told by doctors at the hospital where he was born that they did not have the resources to treat the condition and asked them to take the infant away. They now live by a routines of constant washing and dressing his skin with creams.
He eats normal food like everyone else and his favorite snacks are instant noodles and crackers. Most kids avoid him because he is different from everyone else.
No school is willing to accept him because they fear his skin condition would be contagious to teachers and other students,he is forced to study alone.

Ari Wibowo
16-year-old boy suffers from skin condition that can turn him into a statue, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.

Many people blame Ari's condition on a superstition that if a woman mistreats animals while she is pregnant, then it will affect her unborn chld. Some believe Ari's mother tortured a lizard she found in the family home when she was pregnant with Ari.

God please heal him.....

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