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Thursday 31 December 2015


Attitude has a major effect on my health. If I am happy I am more likely to do right choices, and when I am negative I don't do correct choices:

The bad thing is that we’ll all be faced with situations where we’ll be insulted by someone around us. Instead of cursing and making yourself look stupid, you can always fight back with classy replies that will shut them up once and for all.

Holly Riordan of All Women Stalk gives tips on what to say when faced with such a situation:

1. I’ve been called worse things by better people: When someone insults you, you need to act like what they said hasn’t bothered you in the least. That’s why this is one of the best comebacks you could use in an argument. It’ll insult the person you’re speaking to while letting them know that you couldn’t care less about what they think of you. Their opinion means nothing.

2. I can explain it to you, but I can’t comprehend it for you:When the person you’re arguing with doesn’t seem to get your point, you should use this comeback. It shows them that you’re willing to explain what you’re saying, but that you don’t think it will help them, because they aren’t smart enough to understand. Anyone would have a tough #time coming up with something to say back to this comeback.

3. I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong: When you can’t wait for your #argument to end, you might be tempted to just agree with the other person so that they’ll go away. However, this comeback will let the #person know that you’re tired of speaking about what led to argument.

4.I love how you state the obvious with such a sense of discovery: This is about as adorable as a comeback can get. It insults the intelligence of the person you’re speaking to, while sarcastically complimenting them on their enthusiasm. It’s a great line to use when you’re speaking with someone who is passionate about whatever inaccurate facts they’re spouting out.

5. Do not speak unless you intend to improve the silence:This is a way to tell someone that what they’re talking about is pointless. They should just keep their trap shut if they have nothing important to say. Unless they can come up with something that would improve the silence, they should keep their lips sealed.

6. Your IQ doesn’t even make a respectable earthquake: This insult is so wonderful, because people who don’t understand the Richter Scale won’t understand exactly what you’re saying. Of course, you could also switch up this insult by saying, ” Your IQ is lower than the room temperature.” Take your pick...Lol


Breakup Series: I Have Yet To Get Over It – Toyin Aimakhu’s Story

Love is a beautiful thing and no man who has ever encountered it has left the same as he was. It either changes you for the better or it leaves some scars. A man (or woman) in love is always happy to shout it from the roof tops. It seems a difficult feat to hold that beautiful, larger-than-life feeling within you and you just want to let the whole world know what you’re feeling and who or what inspired that feeling. Unfortunately, Love isn’t always a bed of roses… you might find yourself at the other side and the thorns might end up choking and pricking you until you can’t take it anymore. No one wants to believe that their love will turn out wrong so they trust it and vouch for it and sing it out loud for the world to hear.


Toyin got married to Adeniyi Johnson on July 18, 2013 after it was speculated multiple times in the media that they were dating. Toyin, never one to stand back, was in love with her husband, Adeniyi Johnson and she was not afraid to let the whole world know (refer to at least 50 of her posts on social media). She sang his praises and her love for him every other day. In her own words, he was her ‘small god’.

Toyin Amidst all the love and support from fans, she received just as much hate and criticism, many people did not understand why she was always on and on about him. While some thought it to be exaggerated and a show-off, others thought it might jinx the relationship. Whatever the case, she didn’t quit her declaration of love. She was happy to take to her social media to thank him for as little as the jewelry that he bought her to as much as his presence in her life and everything in-between. While he was a permanent face on her Instagram, it was not same for him. Again, there were speculations… many felt that the difference in their efforts to declare their love (as it were) mirrored the state of their married life.


Sometime, last year it was rumored that Toyin and Niyi were separated and had been living apart secretly for a while. There was a lot of negative speculation and criticism towards Toyin at the time. This particular website, naijagist speculated that Toyin Aimakhu had given her husband a ‘love potion’ and it had lost its potency claiming that she was considered a prostitute by Niyi’s family members who were happy to see their brother delivered from ‘spiritual bondage’. Other websites speculated that Toyin’s attitude of ‘bed hopping’ had been revealed and she was now paying for it in her marriage. All of these were concluded with no thought to the human who was being tainted.

It remained a rumor until Stella on her blog, broke the news officially. Her post on her website garnered a lot of attention to the point where close friends and family members got involved and helped mend the relationship. Again, Toyin and Niyi were officially back together and back to declaring their undying love for each other but maybe, just maybe it was not meant to be…

In her words ‘A lot of things people don’t even know about but they sit and conclude. Initially, I would read comments and I would cry but you know, you just have to be strong because a lot of people look up to you.’

Source: greennews.ng

I used to love these two together and i really wish they find their way back to each other's arms.


As seen on Facebook.

A member of Rehoboth Bible Church International Apo posted this on Facebook.
heard it was put there for evil purpose, directed at a church member.

God help us.


So folks, here is the concluding part of Dele Momodu's details, surely, more stories will turn up and i shall keep you posted.

And here are the chats between Davido and Baby mama.


This is really a long story that i had to share into 2 parts.
please read below.

Tuesday 29 December 2015


So this article is in two parts.
Part 1 of 2: Being the Best Version of Yourself
Part 2 of 2: Attracting Girls

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 1

1. Be confident: Confidence has a wealth of mental and physical health benefits, so no matter how you dress, how you look, or what you sound like, get comfortable with who you are (and be nice, no matter what).

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 2

2. Explore new stuff: Try listening to different styles of music. Try new foods, new sports, new art forms, woodworking, welding, automotive repair, programming, sewing, whatever! Find something that piques your interest.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 3

3. Learn to laugh at yourself: Some of life's most fulfilling lessons are taught through one's failures no matter how big or how small, keep a positive attitude. Make improvements, not excuses.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 4

4. Be giving: This isn't monetary or material, but giving in your interactions with others. When you share of yourself, you enrich not only the lives of others, but your own.
Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 5

5. Accept help: Being an independent person is great. However, there are times in every person's life when he or she needs assistance. Never be afraid to accept it in those times, so that you may stand on your own later.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 6

6. Respect others: Everyone, individually, knows so little about any one other person. Pasts, present circumstances, thoughts, feelings, intentions -- none of this can be divined from a glance, and it takes a lifetime to learn all there is to know about a person. So, respect other people, because you have no idea what most other people have gone through or are going through.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 7

7. Don't worry about "girls," and certainly don't stress over "every girl." Besides, women are people, just like men are people. And all people want to be treated like people. If you really want a companion, make friends! Hang out with people -- regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Introverted? That's cool, too. Expand your horizons and your potential. And, most importantly, just make sure you're satisfied with who you are.

Part 2 of 2: Attracting Girls

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 8

1. Be confident: The key to almost everything is confidence. If you're in any classes/activities together, make a side comment to her when walking past. Preferably a humorous one. Something that will make her laugh and respond. If she says something humorous, laugh. Whether it's funny or not. Walk alongside her in the hall and talk to her about a previous class or something along those lines. Walk her home if you can, or even halfway.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 9

2. Remember, she's only a girl: She might be aggressive, she might be timid, or she might be really jumpy and alert. No matter what she acts like, she's still only a girl. She still has feelings, she'll still have fallen in love, and she'll still have felt heartbroken. If she ever looks downhearted, ask her if somethings wrong. If she doesn't want to tell you, don't pressure her, just let her know you're always there if she wants to talk.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 10

3. Compliment her: Everyone love compliments. Compliment her personality, her appearance or one of her achievements. Be careful, she might think you're leading her on, and if you have no intentions of a relationship with her you might just break her heart.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 11

4. Try out her favourite bands or TV shows: If she wants you to listen to a band she likes or watch a program she enjoys, try them out. Once you have, tell her your opinions on them. If you don't like them, a simple "They're okay, not my favourite." Will do. Be gentle with her.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 12

5. Be funny: Girls love to be around a guy that can make her laugh. It can be a joke, or it can just be in your actions. Never try to make her laugh by insulting someone else, that's just not cool.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 13

6. Share things with her: If you have a beverage, offer her a drink of it. If you have a chocolate bar, break off a part and offer her it. If you have a bag/packet of sweets, always offer her a few. When listening to your iPod, ask her if she wants an earphone. If she doesn't like the music, switch it off and put it away. Let her know she comes before music.
Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 14

7. Tell her things: Let her know you trust her, and hopefully she won't abuse that. She'll come to trust you, and when she does, don't ever spread what she tells you around.

Image titled Be the Guy Every Girl Wants Step 15

8. Be sensitive: If she tells you something personal, don't laugh. Don't ever laugh at her misfortune, and if she cries always try to comfort her, even if it's over something ridiculous.


Guys, here is a list of things you should do to make her fall easily in love with you

romantic boy and girl - Multi-ethnic teenaged couple at prom Stock Photo - Premium Royalty-Freenull, Code: 6100-06585230

1. Planning is amazing

When a man plans, it’s almost as exciting as him proposing. Whether he organises a date, a weekend trip and an afternoon walk, all of it makes a woman happy. It shows her that he is capable of putting effort into her, and she likes it.

2. Being a great listener

Showing a woman that you’re a great listener is incredible. Remember things that the woman mentioned that she likes, whether it’s flowers, a book, chocolates or jewellery, if you surprise your woman, it makes her feel really special.

3. Show HER some vulnerability

It’s extraordinary when a man can openly and honestly talk about his feelings with you. When he’s comfortable doing so, it’s great. It’s so great, it’s like winning the emotional lottery.

4. Please her in the bedroom

When a man can make it happen for a woman, how elated she is. A man, who wants to pleasure a woman, so she really enjoys herself, this is how women define a good man. He gets an extra applause if it’s something he doesn’t ordinarily like doing.

5. Cook for her

When a man knows his way around the kitchen and is capable and confident, it’s cute. Women are suckers for the look on his face when he means business with those vegetables. Cooking takes patience and shows women that they are cherish-worthy.

6. Let’s go shopping

Let’s face it; sports are a popular hobby for most men. Well, shopping is a favourite pastime of many women. Shopping is to women what sports is to men. Shopping may not be good for women’s wallets (or their man’s), and it certainly isn’t cardio, but it's absolutely fun. When a man can shop with you and give his opinion, he’s golden.

7. It’s okay to be nerdy

Am I the only woman who not-so-secretly thinks it’s really endearing when a man is curled up on his couch with his book? When he gets all geeked out and excited about something he is
reading and is not ashamed of it, it is pretty adorable.

8. Compromise is key

How many times has your man done something he doesn’t want to because you asked him to?

When a man does something for his woman that he wouldn’t ordinarily want to do, it makes her heart melt. Being sweet and thoughtful always goes a long way. She so appreciates you doing something you’re not eager to.

9. Get all sporty

It’s nice to see men fired up and passionate about sports. In fact, it’s oddly exciting. When you are roaring at the TV and getting all riled up — it’s almost Intimate. When your eyes light up, you become quite desirable.

10. Kiss and caresses her

Being affectionate and sweet to women goes a long way. When a man is sweet to his woman — whether he puts his arm around her when she is not expecting it, hold her hand just because, or give her an excited kiss for no reason — her heart skips a beat.

11. Love her family

Some people have an unusual family. But, your family is your family and you love them a lot. When a man gets in close with the girl’s family and makes all family members love him, he’s
extra fabulous.

12. It’s okay to be dominating

Dominating us makes us sizzle in all the right places. Every woman wants a little Fifty Shades of Grey in her life. There is a time and place to make love and there is a time and place to be more aggressive. When the man knows the difference, he can make us swoon.